How to Identify the Limiting Step in your Process of Growth

Tara Aggarwal
3 min readJan 5, 2020

New Years is a time of self-reflection. Resolutions are made everywhere, and they are usually for a good cause. Of course, I have some of my own for 2020. I want to start writing a book. I want to get fit. I want to cope with stress better this semester. I want to give a public talk. When I take a step back to look at these resolutions, despite the true interest and passion I have for them, I get overwhelmed. Where do I even begin?

Many of these goals would force me to change what I prioritize in my life today. I take pride in accomplishing good grades and maintaining a fun social life. However, my health took a hit this past semester and I was faced with the alarming fact that even at the prime age of 21, I cannot have it all. (To be clear, there is no prime age to have it all).

Photo by Angelina Litvin on Unsplash

However, hope is not lost here. Life is a continuous journey of growing and reconfiguring our priorities. Life is learning lessons and implementing better habits and changes one at a time. While we cannot have it perfect, we can have balanced lives. We can place our mindsets in one of continuous growth so that when work needs to take more priority, we can allow it to do so but not fear that we will become a workaholic. When you need to take time for yourself, you can give it the same level of importance as that networking commitment you feel responsible to go to. In the end, with the right mindset, everything returns to a somewhat balanced state.

It’s hard to get there. But for me, I find that if I break down the process of growth, I can identify where I fall into stress loops and see which part of the process I am missing from living a happier life.

Here is my process of growth:

1) Introspect: Allowing ourselves to take the time and energy to become constructive critics. We have to be able to view ourselves not only from our own perspective but the view of others.

2) Learn: If we are not constantly exposing ourselves to new experiences and ideas, we can remain stagnant and therefore frustrated in our abilities.

3) Forgive: Instead of going on the steep slope of criticizing ourselves, we have to take a step back and forgive our mistakes in the process of growth. If we are constantly living in the past, we will never discover the future.

4) Connect: To truly connect with others, we have to learn from them. Practice powerful empathy and aim to understand the motives and needs of people around us. What do they need to see from us? Do they need a little tough love or an encouraging word? When we practice empathy for others, it helps us realize and forgive our insecurities as well.

5) Direct: With connecting with people, it becomes very easy to get absorbed in others’ lives. We start to seek validation from outside rather than within. This is why we must direct our passion, love, and creativity into something for you as well. We can become inspirational to others when we first show care to ourselves.

6) Plan: When we direct our attention, plan it out. This helps us keep ourselves accountable.

7) Believe: Being human is terrifying because at the end of the day, there are only so many hours. We are humanly limited because we have needs. Refuel, recharge, and resting are key. In order to live beyond boundaries, embrace the idea that everything to be done in life can be accomplished in a year. We must do the next right step that calls to us. A large part of our life is out of our control, but we can make an impact when we are patient and believe that eventually, you will accomplish everything you want to do. But it all starts with the continuous journey of growth.

